Customizing About Me page
New to this forum. I was directed here by one of the SmugMug Heros. I am attempting to move a text box with my bio info higher up on my About Me page. I need it positioned differently than it is but was told the basic limitations of the template won't let me.
I would also like to change the font.
Would anyone be able to offer suggestions? I'm new to this kind of website customizing.
Many thanks!
New to this forum. I was directed here by one of the SmugMug Heros. I am attempting to move a text box with my bio info higher up on my About Me page. I need it positioned differently than it is but was told the basic limitations of the template won't let me.
I would also like to change the font.
Would anyone be able to offer suggestions? I'm new to this kind of website customizing.
Many thanks!
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I don't understand what the exact problem is however, can you not move the box when customising page content and design?
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
What about bringing the other picture up so you have them in a 2x2 grid and then have the text full width? Alternatively you could do it with a HTML table and the images in the individual cells in a layout of your choosing. That should work I would think but then layout on mobile may be more of an issue then.
I've had this issue before actually, not easy to have things of differing heights in different columns without the layout going crazy!
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
I see what you mean about changing the three display photos to match my mug size, but I don't care for that look as much.
And, I am HTML ILLITERATE, so when you said "Alternatively you could do it with a HTML table and the images in the individual cells in a layout of your choosing." you lost me. Are you talking about creating code?
As easily as everything has gone up to this point in my Smugmug designing experience, I'm a bit flabbergasted at not being able to scoot that darn copy block up 3".
And you're right, it does look fine on Mobile...but the majority of my intended audience, family, friends, specific clients, will be accessing it via desktop.
So with you open up for the general layout of a table. defines the range of one row. are cells in a row.
So to make your layout work (hopefully) I defined a table of two columns and two rows, this because to get started with your text at the top of the second photo (from top).
The first row contains two columns which each contain one image.
The second row contains again two columns, but the first column here contains two images, while the second one would include all your text. Just copy it in where I have the "..." and for every new paragraph you'll have to add a .
This should in theory do the trick for you.
Good luck!
Lille Ulven
I copied your code, dragged the HTML box onto my About Me page, pasted it in and then had no clue what to do from there. When I did all of that, it duplicated the four images and the first graph of my text. I just didn't know what to do next.
Sorry to be so dense.
Remove the existing content elements and add an HTML element containing Lille's code.
You might consider starting by creating a new page for this. That will allow you to compare your already existing page with the new page using HTML.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
Yes, as Denise and Spectacular Edinburgh said, you would have to remove what was "before" on your about page or create a new page.
And I edited my post above so that you'll be able to just copy it onto a new page without making any changes to the text. (Your entire text should be in it now.)
I'll put in the new code (with the entire text) here too, so it will be easier to find for you.
Good luck!
Lille Ulven
Just wanted to say thanks, it's not my thread but it's helpful people like you who go to this much effort that makes this a great forum to come to for help!
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
And for myself - I avoid forums where the first reply is "Read the f... manual" or "go learn to code" - not everybody wants that and not everybody has the mindset for that. There are things I'll never get my head around to do... so someone might come and help me with that.
By the way Ron I am just trying to improve on the code that I gave you so that it will mostly be ready for you to post. But that might take a couple more minutes.
My Photography Blog.
My Popular Photos
- Photos of Edinburgh, Scottish Highlands and Islands, Fife.
to see it all. Instead it would probably better to use div's which will flow better. Also the photos
might not auto resize. If you look at folders and galleries the photos auto change size with different
browser widths. It's just a matter of trying these to see what works better. Photo resizing is probably
the optimal look but not sure how to accomplish that.
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But let's try this one - and go on from there
Now I am going to have a shower and who knows after that maybe I will read up to div and see if I can make it work even better with that.
I'm heading back to my page. I'm going to use your last coding, Lille on a NEW page starting from scratch. Will let you know what happens.
Many thanks.
I AM able to line up the top of the grouping to match the Menu box on the far left, BUT, I don't know how to separate my MUG shot from the first image and the text box from the other images. And, ultimately the three display photos should
be about 2 picas between each other. I looked at the code to see where that might be inserted, but just not sure.
I am trying to duplicate the distances between each display photo and also the distance my mug shot and text box are to the display photos as seen on my original About Me page attempt.
Try this one for the space between the columns:
The thing I changed to give you some space between your rows is this first tag: If you want less space than you'll have to adjust the values from 10px to less - for more space, well you set it to something higher than 10px
Allan I tried the div variant - but cannot get the text to the top of the div-cells. Any advise on that one?
Good luck
Lille Ulven
Some code for Allen
and body are already used on the page and can only be used one time. I'd also use different div class
names other the pre-common names to be safe.
Rather then all those <br>'s why not let the text flow and wrap for each paragraph?
You can control the text by using padding.
My Website index | My Blog
And actually I did not know about the padding - I am not a website coder (yet), I remember some of it from days >10 years ago when I tried to do some html coding for a while and now I am basically "pick-learning" looking up what I need to do to archive what I want. But I am slowly but surely getting there. (Books aren't ordered yet, but I will get some - I know which ones.
But I just got it to work...
Ron if you'd rather use the div-tags instead of that table that I used before here is the "new" code:
You will have to add the following into the HTML-box:
And this would be placed in the CSS-box (you should have two tabs on that screen that pops up where you enter your html code, one for HTML (for the above code) and one for CSS (for the code below)):
It will give you a little bit of a distance between the text of the 4th and 5th paragraph - but I must admit this was the best I could get to right now.
I hope that will do the trick for you.
Best of luck
Lille Ulven
If you want to mimic smug you could create an unlisted page on your site to experiment with code. I find it helpful to see the results in smug as opposed to building an outside page.
I usually have one or two unlisted pages that I use for experimenting.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
My Website index | My Blog
But what I should have done is testing those codes that I presented here on a trial page as well, just to see how they look on Smugmug... and than delete them right away while still having the code in the files.
Allen first of all I think I have a tendency to writing your name slightly wrong - I am sorry for that one. But not less important: thanks for giving me just some keywords with advise on how to do it. That was exactly what I needed to get hooked and have my fund coding and figuring out how to get there.
Ron I hope that you have found your way to do your About me page in here. Thanks for giving me such a fun time learning more HTML coding
Again. Very humbled.
And - I cannot speak for the others who replied though - it was not hard work it was a lot of fun working it out.
While looking at your page I found one little thing that you might want to address though:
When you have to scroll your page up the page content will be shown as going underneath your logo. - I haven't quite figured out how you have set it up, but I think there is a way to address this and have the photo disappear in the background once it reaches the header-hight.
For this you would do the following:
Go into Customization -> Content & Design -> Theme and customize your sites Theme by choosing a Header color in the Advanced tab (in your case the same as the body color) and than set the value for "Header Alpha" to 100%, once you save and publish your settings you should now have photos that slide behind your non-transparent header and by that would no longer be cut in by your logo.
Another way might be to "unpin" your header, so that when you scoll your site up the header is scrolled out of the screen as well.
Good luck
Lille Ulven
For my location - I am in that bucket list of your's than. Actually I do want to go up North and do the Northern Lights one day too. I have the camera now to handle the high ISOs now I only have to find some days off which I haven't made any other plans for in advance... maybe 2017 then... well rather 2018 so I can improve on my skiing skills first ;-)
But then I guess I am thankful for what I have been able to do so far - cycling north of the polar circle (among others on the Lofoten) and in New Zealand is pretty good too
Lille Ulven