Comments?? Disqus??

I for one am not a fan of Smugmug telling me who can or cant comment on my own site that I pay for. I do not even have FB, (2 years sober) so its leaving me with just my fellow smugmuggers having the ability to comment on my page. Love you guys but I just went a head and removed the comments part since no one ever commented haha. Has anyone figured out how to implement Disqus to their site?? Any word on them unleashing the ability to give US control on who can comment?? Not sure why this isnt available with the option of us approving/declining comments coming through.....Thanks for helping
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
To make someone have to log in is BS - I want people to be able to leave a comment
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
get into a passworded gallery.
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well you know what? I *really* thought that these sites where OURS since WE pay for them.
I cant imagine why they would not give us what WE want. They advertise "Your own customizable website" but they sure the hell dont deliver this 100%.
Ya what you said there doesnt even make sense.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
This aggravates me so much. On Legacy, any one of my friends or family could go in and they have to be logged in to smugmug? what a way to limit "customization". Its why I've been looking elsewhere. Plenty of options are out there for the needs I have. I'd rather pay a bit more and get what I want instead of paying for half-*ss stuff with a stupid rule. I really hope they read this too because I see this subject being brought up ALL OF THE TIME.
- I'm tired and have had a bad morning so might regret saying that above haha
Newbie in Action
I can't stand the current 'comments' setup. It looks clunky and has isn't setup in a way to entice people to comment, also the whole login with smugmug option to comment is useless for 99% of people who visit out sites. Add Google, FB, twitter login integration for comments and Disqus and we're all sorted
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The Smugmug comments block is AWEFUL!
I have a particular blog post that brings me almost 100 views per day consistently. This post has been up for a year on my site and I have a grand total of one freaking comment on it. One!
I think people take one look at the comments block and just give up, because the automation just isn't there. Would simply love to have Disqus integration.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
How hard is it, to give us BACK the comment feature that we used to have at our former Legacy Smugmug sites? Or, is there some sort of business arrangement with Facebook? I just don't understand this choice they made, AT ALL.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
I understand the frustration with comments. I, too, would love to make commenting easier. We're stuck in a rock and a hard place on this.
Let me start off with some background: We've tried pretty much everything and there's no ideal solution that pleases everyone. We tried leaving comments open to anyone and peoples sites filled with SPAM. We added CAPTCHA and it got rid of the SPAM issue but people complained that it was annoying to use. We tried user moderating comments, which fixed the SPAM and was less annoying to visitors but it became confusing when comments weren't posted right away and comments went into a giant unmoderated backlog, and people didn't like that. Right now we're at the point of requiring a login because it's the cleanest and simplest solution.
Now that I've said that, I'd be asking myself "so why can't you give us all of those and let us pick what we want? Let me choose!" There's a few problems and most of it comes down to confusion: With so many settings to make your SmugMug page, the last thing we want to do is add even more settings that will confuse the majority of our users. We want to make it simple for you guys. Other photography sites like Flickr and 500px, and most websites require you to login to leave comments. A bunch of settings to set commenting to open, captcha, moderated, or require login would be confusing.
So where do we go from here, since we don't want to ignore the issue and we want to offer some kind of solution? The first step would be to allow additional login credentials besides just Facebook and G+. Perhaps Amazon, Yahoo, SmugMug.
We'd love to hear if you guys have additional suggestions. For example, I agree with Allen that if a user has already authenticated a password protected gallery, they shouldn't have to re-login to post a comment. Keep suggestions like this coming!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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I want anonymous comments back.
I agree with all of pilotdave's post.
Of ALL the things to have to sign in with.... FACEBOOK!?
What was wrong with keeping "approval required" as a default in the original feature??
I was so glad that Facebook had NOTHING to do with my site, and my followers were glad too. It was my intention to keep the Facebook brand AWAY from my site, as I cannot stand other sites expecting you to use Facebook to comment (I would use the site's native comments feature instead).
Then, lo and behold, after this was implemented, people thought that *I* chose Facebook to log in with. I had to make it VERY clear to them that it was NOT my decision. Embarrassing. Cannot stand the sight of it on the site I'm paying for.
Please... bring BACK the option of the original comments feature we had before, as an option, for those of us who want it.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
For me personally, I don't have a problem with the whole login through FB/G+ in order to leave a comment. But it's obvious that visitors just don't bother with it. I hold my blog content on smugmug where the general norm is to have a Disqus comments section at the bottom. The HTML code for this can be inserted into wordpress, but with Smugmug it's a no go. I don't know much about code so I don't know how difficult it would be to make this happen.
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Get out of the "rock and a hard place" spot and give your paying customers what they want. If you can't make a decision, errr on what your customers want. And please don't compare SmugMug to freebie sites. For those of us paying for SmugMug, the visitor has no idea what SmugMug is....and that's why we pay you!