Couple of headshot sessions
Comments always welcome!
Singers, so crossing over into glam. Had a ton of fun with both of them!
THe props were her idea! She's a wonderful and whacky human being, and these are very "her". Background is my awesome, love-it-so-much Fotodiox high key background (similar to the Lastolite Hilite), with my 2x3' softbox(es) for main lighting.

Top one was outside, and the others were using the Fotodiox background as a giant softbox - in the bottom left it was the main, in the bottom right it was acting as fill (speedlight in a rapidbox octa was the main). I have some smilier ones of her in the red, but that fierce expression bottom right is TOTALLY her - she's known for her enigmatic expressions, so I'm glad we got one of them!!
Singers, so crossing over into glam. Had a ton of fun with both of them!
THe props were her idea! She's a wonderful and whacky human being, and these are very "her". Background is my awesome, love-it-so-much Fotodiox high key background (similar to the Lastolite Hilite), with my 2x3' softbox(es) for main lighting.

Top one was outside, and the others were using the Fotodiox background as a giant softbox - in the bottom left it was the main, in the bottom right it was acting as fill (speedlight in a rapidbox octa was the main). I have some smilier ones of her in the red, but that fierce expression bottom right is TOTALLY her - she's known for her enigmatic expressions, so I'm glad we got one of them!!

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Very intriguing headshots. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, dude! Hope you're well. SO glad to see you shooting again and WOWZERS what a way to return!!!
The one you are enamored with, second image lower left (red dress). The chin line/neck just isn't very flattering for her in that image, at least to my eye.
The white background both as white and as gray, is very nice. I do REALLY like the background in top right and bottom left in the first image and top in the second. Those really make the subject "pop".
Bryce, her chin and jawline were really problematic. I'm usually great at getting a jawline (forehead towards the camera/chin forward and down/turtle etc etc) but she just couldn't seem to find it unless it happened naturally, and even when she did it tended to shorten her neck and make her shoulders look wider. I probably should have had my key light a little higher and diallled down the fill a little bit to throw her neck into greater shadow, but I didn't think of that until afterwards (was it ever thus!). I snagged a few, fortunately, although they were tough to get. Here's another - it still needed more chin-work in post than I like, but it's a better angle and softer expression
As for the top left image (the enigmatic pose?), maybe I will feel differently after I am well into my 60s but the "come hither" look on silver haired people gives me the heebie jeebies.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
I did quite a few with a hairlight, I just liked some of the ones without, as well. Here's one with. Not crazy about the framing on it, but as a thumbnail in a program it will work fine for her. I had no further room to step back and didn't want to stop the flow to switch lenses.................
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
No not the first series of images, but the second set top image. It's an intriguing photograph, but the highlights in the background are a little hot to my eyes. It's a very small nit though, but the expressions are spot on with the set as a whole
And thank you! I'm running myself thin working 60 hours a week interning at a PT clinic and catching up on photography on the weekend. Hook me up to an IV of coffee please!
Gotcha, Michael. Yeah, the tones are very similar. That background has actually been de-sat-ed like crazy. It's green, which is something I hate in performer headshots (makes them look like senior portraits) and dial back in LR.