Couple of Bugs and errr.... our Pet Crow

IPClarkIPClark Registered Users Posts: 2,355 Major grins
edited June 12, 2015 in Holy Macro

Hmmm the problem with macro is shots like this show up how badly your fingers look. I'm terrible for biting my nails haha.


Not sure if this is a bee or a wasp. Looks more like a wasp. It was tiny.


So, the "Pet Crow". Recently a diseased limb from a beech tree at the top of our road came down. With it, a nest and a couple of Nestling Crows. One didnt make it but the other one was very shaken, had lost a lot of feathers and was a little injured survived. I brought it home and we nursed it back to health. It is now particularly tame, answers when you call it and has also become quite mischievous. It's now starting to fly 7 or 8 ft along the garden and can confidently land if launched up into the air a little ;).

I took some relatively close up shots with the 100L. He/She's still looking a little raggety as it's shedding it's downy feathers to grow it's proper feathers. Kinda at that scruffy teenager stage :D



Look at those barbs in the mouth. It was shouting to be fed haha.




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