Bees in the woods
Decided to take one of my Alien Bees with me on our yearly summer trip with two other families. I was pleased with the light and ease of use with a shoot through umbrella.
All the kids

My clan

The ladies
All the kids

My clan

The ladies

And holy cannoli but Sam has long legs!!!
Thanks, DM. I was quite pleased with the lighting here. I just exposed for the ambient and added a touch of flash with a large shoot through umbrella. Worked like a charm. The strobe is much easier for me to control than an off camera speedlight.
The lighting is truly perfect here.
Question about the Allen Bee's. Do they have the ability to do high speed sync with Nikon bodies?
Yes with 3rd party triggers like Radio Poppers,Yongnuo or Phottix.
1. What size umbrella, and where was it (the light is so good I cant' actually tell since I can't see the catchlights!)
2. Why do you prefer the bees to the speedlights?
Just curious
Good to know. My sync cord and current wireless triggers do not allow it.
1. This is a single 48 inch shoot through umbrella. To my left and just above. Not really much power so there is not much shadow. I also tried to place the subjects to minimize shadow.
2. I've done this for years with my speedlights. The recycle time is longer (even with fresh batteries). My speedlights also tend to fire even if not fully charged which tends to give inconsistent power output. The strobes give me full power flash every 3 seconds if needed.
I do like using iTTL with off camera flash, but this single light setup is so easy to meter and manually adjust the strobe that I just shoot in manual mode.
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Did you use a lightmeter for the ambient, and then on your subjects? Reason I ask is, this is one of the many areas I struggle when trying to see what it 'really' looks like on the back of the camera and that little image...
I'm terrible. I take my light meter with me but I never use it.
For these, I just used the camera meter and took a shot without any subjects in the frame to set my ambient. I then made the adjustments on the strobe to my liking.