New Gallery Created but Not Visible
I created a new gallery in my Events folder. It's now one of six galleries in that folder. I believe I have the same Settings on this folder as the others (visible and access by public). When I'm logged out, it shows up on my Events page along with the others. When I click to open it and look at the individual images in the new gallery ... nothing happens. When I click on an older Event gallery, I can see the individual images.
Suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Could you please provide us with a link to the Event or gallery. We will take a look at your settings. It might be faster to write in to the heroes so they can quickly look it up.
Have a great weekend!
1) this SmugMug site would have 4-6 individuals responsible for uploading images. One individual would be the primary adminstrator but 5-6 other individuals need to have capability of uploading images.
Couple of questions: 1) Is this possible?
Yes it is possible. You could have an owner to the site and then make use of the guest upload option for the other 5 to 6 people so they can upload images to the site. Here is a link with more details.
2) If so, would appreciate any advice if you have experience with managing and organizing this type of SmugMug account,
I personally only use this feature for when we do family reunions and use it for guest uploading by other family members who do not have their own website to share photos on. It is easy for them to upload and makes this easier for compiling memories of events.
and 3) Are there better alternatives for this task than SmugMug? Thanks
I do not know how other platforms handle this task and I am quite happy with how SmugMug makes the guest uploading feature easy to use.
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