Most recent 100 photos
Is there some way to make a Smart Gallery that only pulls in the last 100 photos (by date taken) across all my galleries?
Is there some way to make a Smart Gallery that only pulls in the last 100 photos (by date taken) across all my galleries?
SmugMug Support Hero
What about a search query? Maybe I can create a link in the navigation menu.
Then use that keyword for a smart gallery with a limit of 100.
My Website index | My Blog
I'll look at that option thanks.
Not a smart gallery but it is possible to do this with a feed.
I have a recent photos page on my site -
The page contains a multiple photos block set up to show recent photos.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
For maintenance use Chrome bulk keyword hack.
Scroll down and select 101 and up to delete keyword and clean up photos that don't apply anymore.
My Website index | My Blog
This is pretty nice, EXCEPT for the fact that it pulls in recent photos based on the upload date, and not the date actually taken. But it's pretty close. Thanks for the suggestion!
And...lovely photos!
Thanks for the suggestion!
You'll have to change the latest date with each upload. It will not let you
set a future date.
Edit: just tried it and it does work.
My Website index | My Blog
Here's what I ended up doing:
1. Created a new smart gallery that pulls in pictures from 1901 to 2099 (so everything I have)
2. Limit it to the last 100 (Thanks Allen)
3. Set the gallery to sort by take descending (newest first)
4. Created a new content block with multiple pictures (thanks denisegoldberg) and set it to the smart gallery
This is pretty much exactly what I want!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I have a link to that keyword on my Menu Bar called Recent.
Keywords sort by last uploaded automatically so you could make a Smart Gallery with the same keyword and limit it to 100 if you wanted to.
Jean Chang Photography
That's what I do. I give every picture the keyword "_all_pictures". I have a button on my menu called recent. It is a link to that keyword search. they are sorted newest first.
I've used this method and if you have an excess number of photos in the date range, it won't show the newest photos. For example, if you have it set to 500 photos but you have 700 in that date range, it won't show the most recent 200 photos.
To workaround that, I use a recent start date in the smart gallery settings with a very high photo limit, like 1000 so I always get a few hundred of my newest photos to show in the smart gallery. Here's a link to my "New Additions" smart gallery:
The page method using the "Recent Photos" option works too, but it only shows about 50 images.