Hack to add date taken (capture date) below/after caption?

I know (see http://feedback.smugmug.com/forums/17723-smugmug/suggestions/2638468-easier-view-of-date-taken-information) that there's no feature to show the date a photo was taken. This seems like a really odd thing to leave out, but I guess it's not high priority for many users. But, for those of us who do need it, is there any sort of clever site customization hack which could add it?
If it helps, it happens that all of my filenames are of the form YYYYMMDD-something.jpg
If it helps, it happens that all of my filenames are of the form YYYYMMDD-something.jpg
As far as I know this is not possible at the moment - even using advanced customization.
Don't know if it's an option, but I do it in Lightroom with a plugin called LR/Transporter. It lets you append metadata and other text to captions/titles/etc. So in my case I have it append the filename (which includes date taken) with some html each caption. It ends up looking like this:
I wish it was as easy as it was in old smug, but this is working for me for the time being.
Huh. So, I seem to have solved this by programatically writing a date string (like "July 9, 2009") into the caption for each photo. The funny thing is, I've been behind on organizing photos and am finally uploading some more, and I can't remember how I did it.
It's not in the photos' XMP metadata, and there's no way I did it by hand, so I must have scripted it somehow. But I have ZERO recollection of how.