Snowy Egret (Feathers in your hat)

Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)
The snowy egret is a small and active wading bird that can reach a height of 26 inches with a 39 inch wingspan. This species has a full white body, black legs, bright yellow feet, yellow marks around the eyes, and a black bill.
The diet of the snowy egret primarily consists of shrimp, small fish, and small invertebrates. It feeds in fresh and salt water habitats within flocks of other wading birds.
While feeding in shallow areas of ponds and marshes, snowy egrets use one foot to stir up the bottom, flushing prey into view. Snowy egrets will also hover in flight, then drop to the water to catch prey in their bills.
During the breeding season, adult Snowy Egrets develop long, wispy feathers on their backs, necks, and heads. Those feathers became very popular to use for women’s hats and dresses in the late 1800's. In fact, in 1886 these plumes were valued at $32 per ounce, which was twice the price of gold at the time. As a result, plume-hunting for the fashion industry was very heavy and the Snowy Egret was hunted almost to extinction. The specie rebounded quickly after being protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, and the Snowy Egret is now more widespread and common than ever.
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(My real name is John but Jack'll do)