
You may or may not know I was banished from Digital Grin for a couple of weeks.
After some thought and talking with friends I agree that my comments were out of line and I really do apologize.
While I remain adamant we remain free to express our positions, to discuss, argue, etc, we do need to keep our comments within bounds.
I am not talking about political correctness but keeping this a place where all can feel comfortable voicing their opinion without ridicule or personal attack.
Sure that's not the real world, but why not maintain a place where the timid as well as the more aggressive can speak without fear?
Sam Linville
After some thought and talking with friends I agree that my comments were out of line and I really do apologize.
While I remain adamant we remain free to express our positions, to discuss, argue, etc, we do need to keep our comments within bounds.
I am not talking about political correctness but keeping this a place where all can feel comfortable voicing their opinion without ridicule or personal attack.
Sure that's not the real world, but why not maintain a place where the timid as well as the more aggressive can speak without fear?
Sam Linville
Happy new year!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Nice to have you back Sam. I agree with everything you have said here ... and it takes a man of some character to create this thread.
I have always found your comments robust but thought provoking ... often raising points of view and perspectives that I would not have considered.
Look forward to reading your thoughts going forward in 2016
I really appreciate your sentiments but no one should receive accolades for doing the right thing. It should be expected.
In this day and age, not all people "do the right thing".
Way too much bluff and bluster and little inclination to back down.
What we expect people to do and what people actually do are often at odds.
Not everyone has the integrity to make an apology.
Others may apologise, but it could be a brief, token apology.
I can see from your post you are a man with principles/integrity and a sense of obligation to set things right. Just letting you know that I applaud that.