The mountains are calling and I must go
Well the first week I have shot since surgery and then our move. I did this one in the vacant house that I hope someone will buy one day soon.
I did my first shoot with my sony a6000 too and Nissan flashes. I am pretty happy with how it worked and I will do another and see how it comes out.
Rea-20160707_DSC5416.jpg by tinstafl, on Flickr
Rea-20160707_DSC5375.jpg by tinstafl, on Flickr
Rea-20160707_DSC5276.jpg by tinstafl, on Flickr
I did my first shoot with my sony a6000 too and Nissan flashes. I am pretty happy with how it worked and I will do another and see how it comes out.

An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Link to my Smugmug site
No disrespect to you but if she can't follow a simple direction of "put finger here" I would have found a new model, or dropped the idea of using a gun in any photos.
I hope in her cute little life she never picks up a real gun. No good will come of it.