How to turn off display of keywords?
I know all about the importance of keywords, but why do they have to be displayed under the image? Is there a way to turn this off without having to delete the keywords?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
.sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-tile-keywords {
display: none;
This may effect search results however.
SmugMug Support Hero
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks for your reply, but how is this different from legacy Smugmug where the keywords were embedded in the metadata but not displayed on the web page? Google seemed to find them just fine then. Does the new Smugmug handle metadata differently?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Any thoughts?
It's really your decision.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I also vaguely remember someone here, possibly Lamah in a thread about alt/title tags and/or SEO(?), saying that Google "sees" a different version of our sites. If that's so, maybe it still sees the keywords that we hide or make invisible. If that's so, then any visibility:hidden and display:none efforts would be merely cosmetic. Hiding stuff doesn't make it cease to exist.
this worked beautifully! thanks!
... any way to keep them visible while logged in (in author mode)? i just want to hide them from the public. Personally, I find them very useful ..
I did notice I can still see them in gallery settings ... so, if it isn't possible to adjust CSS to see them on the gallery page (more convenient), I'll live.
.sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-tile-keywords {
display: none;
} .sm-gallery-smugmug .sm-tile-keywords {
display: block;
Edit: I think .sm-gallery-smugmug only applies to Smugmug style galleries.
Also the public can always see your keywords using the /keyword link.
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Allen! It worked! Yay! :ivar
I only use the smugmug default gallery.
Let me not even open that can of worms .. trying to use another style.