Adding Photos...

turquoisebluebirdturquoisebluebird Registered Users Posts: 4 Many Grins
Hi all, I'm new here! How do I post photos to a discussion thread? Looking forward to learning more and admiring all of the beautiful work!!!


  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited December 12, 2016

    We limit new members posting rights for a short time to keep spammers at bay. Since you don't sound like a robot, I'll use my magic powers to waive the requirement. Wait a few minutes then try again. If it doesn't work, reply in this discussion and we'll dig deeper. We're just getting used to the new software we started using recently and still have some kinks to work out.

  • turquoisebluebirdturquoisebluebird Registered Users Posts: 4 Many Grins

    :D Super!!! I'll see what I can do. Thank you!!!

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