Discussions page is borked

The extended search panel is showing up instead of the little search box. I'm sure that's not what we want.
EDIT: Not just discussions, all the tabbed pages.
The extended search panel is showing up instead of the little search box. I'm sure that's not what we want.
EDIT: Not just discussions, all the tabbed pages.
I discovered that if you press on the arrow right from the Search box the advanced search collapes again. But still, an annoyance.
Ah, a feature then. OK. It should have defaulted to collapsed, but as long as I only have to do it once, then it's OK. Thanks for the tip.
Nope. When you close it on one page, it stays open on the others. And even after you close it, when you return to a page, it's open again.
Borked, I say.
Wow, very very annoying.
And this is a very recent change (as in I think during the last 15 or 20 minutes).
This behavior is seen on both the categories and discussions pages.
I need to click the search dropdown twice before the page collapses to what should be the default view.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Yeah. I imagine someone is working on it now and hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Seems to be fixed now. Nevermind.