Homepage layout changes

Hi all
working on some modifications on my homepage appearance but I'm not able to get want I want.
Specifically I''d like to:
- move the composite image up closer to the title, but I have already set at "0" the top margin value for the image itself so I don't know how to move it further up than this
- have the menu bar fixed at the top of the page, as the logo, and not disappearing when the page is scrolled down. But I can't find any "pinning" option for it, as I did for the logo in Customizing>Entire Site>Layout>Pinning
Move the menu to the header area with the logo. It's now in the content area below the header.
My Website index | My Blog
Thanks Allen, I tried but if I do so the menu bar goes above the logo, while I'd like it to be underneath
Venice PhotoBlog
Are you sure you can not drag them in the order you want?
My Website index | My Blog
You are right, my fault! (not very easy to find the right placement dragging)
The menu bar is now placed in the header area and it doesn't disappear when scrolling.
Yet, despite my attempts I don't seem able to manage the space between the title and the photo
Venice PhotoBlog
When I look at the image you are using on your homepage it appears that it has white space above the composite image. I pulled the image URL using web developer on Firefox, https://photos.smugmug.com/1680x1120/n-FmVgg/i-ZTMdJCp/0/X2/i-ZTMdJCp-X2.jpg
Can you edit that image so it contains only the composite, not the white space?
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Gosh! Thanks Denise, I uploaded that image a couple of years ago and just didn't remember (and didn't notice, I apologize) it has white borders above and below
Venice PhotoBlog