Possible to do a site-wide change to the maximum display size?

I just discovered that smug mug now makes larger sizes available. That is good (although it came as a surprise when I discovered all my newly created galleries suddenly default to all but original while my default settings I apply when creating a catalog has X3 as max in it, which is NOT good). I would like to change all my galleries to max X4 but can't figure out how to do this without going through manually which will take me hours. Any way to do this?
You can make gallery settings changes on multiple galleries at once from the organizer.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thank you that is a great tip. I was not aware of that!
Make sure after you "select all" that nothing else is selected like sub-folders and pages. The bulk "settings" will
only work if only galleries are selected. Just deselect these by clicking them. Next do each sub-folder.
March down through each folder tree before going to next top folder. That way you won't miss any.
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