Upload New Gallery - No Quick Settings Option
When uploading a new gallery from within a folder there was always an option to apply a Quick Setting. This has now disappeared and I can only upload to a new gallery by letting the default settings apply and then going in to the settings and changing it. Or by creating a new gallery from the organiser but then this is clunky as you have to click on yet another 2 tabs.
So am I missing something? What happened to the Quick Settings option? it was convenient and now I need to make more clicks to get the same result.
[as an aside one always used to be able to create folders from within a folder - now one can only create a folder from the organiser - a bit of a nuisance for me, but can live with it ]
I always only use the create "new" gallery in the organizer. It's the only place where you get a
full "gallery settings" listing. On the last tab there is the "set a quick setting" pick. I don't think it
shows anywhere else.
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The Quick Settings option from the "Upload > New Gallery" wasn't working properly and wasn't setting all of the settings it was supposed to. The fix was going to take longer than we wanted and we wanted to make sure, especially as people upload a lot of new photos for the holidays, that galleries weren't being created with incorrect settings. We've temporarily removed the Quick Settings option from "Upload > New Gallery" while we continue to work on a fix. We'll add it back when everything is working properly, though I have no estimated time on what that will happen. As you've found, you can apply a Quick Setting once the gallery is created, or via the Organizer ("Create > Gallery").
The "Create" option when in a folder was removed almost a year ago as we attempted to simplify the options in the top of your SmugMug site, and to focus actions centered around organizing your photos into the Organizer tool. There's definitely times when I miss it being there, but I've gotten used to going into the Organizer to create Folders and I've found it's actually more convenient.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Many thanks for the quick reply. I never had a problem but do understand why it's been removed at present; hope it comes back eventually:) [I had actually forgotten about the removal of the create folder, only when the Quick Settings option disappeared did my mind click - so one does get used to things after a while]
Any estimate on when the Quick Settings option will be re-enabled when creating a New Gallery? It is extremely inconvenient not having it and the option is sorely missed! Also, is there a plan to add a default/site-wide Quick Setting for all new galleries created?
We do not have an estimate on when the Quick Settings will return to the
Upload > New Gallery
however we are working on another solution that I think you'll enjoyThe other solution may or may not have something to do with this
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations