Contact Form etc...
1) I'm now using the contact form of Wufoo (and before that Jotform) and for the record, it's ugly af. Take a look here:
Is there any possibility (internal, external) to have a beautiful contact form like that (flothemes):
2) Is there a way to place the logo in the middle of the menu?
3) Is it possible to move the social networks icon to the top of the page?
Not much help but wanted to say beautiful site. Also, not really minding your exiting contact form just for the record.
Thank you Nick! But the contact form is the weakest link on my site, it doesn't fit in the design
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Your options for your contact form are either the built-in smug form or Wufoo - unless you want to host the contact form elsewhere, like Mike does.
Musings & ramblings at
I use external contact forms for the smugmug websites.
Thank you Mike.
How did you integrate contact form from wordpress and co?
How to change the default setting from footer to header?
Just curious - is it because you used a pop-up that you were able to use external contact forms? I never thought about doing that.
Musings & ramblings at
I do not think my external contact forms are pop-ups. It is just a link to an external website (17hats) that I customized a bit. So, you click on COntact in my Smugmug site, you will be brought to 17hats webstie, and once you submit the contact form it redirects you back to Smugmug site.
Thanks, that makes sense. The trick is having the form hosted on a site other than your smugmug site with access via a link, good to know.
Musings & ramblings at
But I dont like the idea that clients will be brought to another site. Seems not really professional.
I want a contact form that I can embed into my smugmug site and it comes with beautiful design that I can tweak to my liking. I am willing to pay for that but it seems that there is no such service...
Did you look at photoclick's contact forms on the sites in his signature? I don't see anything about them that is not professional; the viewer is not aware the form is hosted on another site.
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I know HTML/CSS so making my SmugMug look like my WordPress was "easy".
Remove the social block in the footer and put it on the header.
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I can create a new social block on the header but somehow I can't remove the old one in the header.
For wufoo, you can set the background to transparent and that will make it fit in perfectly with your smugmug website background.
Thanks I will try.
Another question: do you know how to use a google font, for example: Cormorant?
Updated: I did set the background to transparent and it does look better but the SEND button is still a pain in the ass
For the record: Wuform is the F'ING worst. Apologies for venting my frustration but this is the first time I've felt scammy vibes from smugmug with this being the only customizable format for the inexperienced HTML/CSS user. =/
Agree. But do we have another choice?
The integrated contact form of smugmug sucks. Jotform sucks too. I'm seriously considering quitting smugmug and try to jump ship to wordpress and flothemes
We do not and thats where the scammy vibes are coming from. I meant to customize a simple contact form and host it will cost me $24 a month?! Insanity. In the meantime I just settled for the old mailto: link in my contact section.
On the bright side I have spent the last few weeks thoroughly buried in smug mug customization and think I finally have found a rhythm. Haven't launched yet as its not finished. Also, maybe I am ignorant but I haven't come across another website platform that syncs so seamlessly with Lightroom which accounts for 90% of my workflow.
For design, Wordpress seems like a great route but the css/html seems intimidating. I already bug @Hikin'Mike allot as it is.
I don't mind at all.
If you're going to create a blog, then going the WordPress and SmugMug is the way to go, IMO. I have my own domain. I installed WP to the root directory. I created a subdomain for my pictures (SmugMug). The only thing that runs my Portfolio is SmugMug. My home page, Blog is from WordPress, including my Contact Page.
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So who hosts your WP site then?
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Just to add, since most people here have their SmugMug site on their root directory, you can create a subdomain and install WordPress there for your blog and contact stuff.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
What are you trying to do? The easiest is to just use the contact form that SmugMug provides (unless you have a requirement that it doesn't meet).
Here's a link to the help page on the standard contact form -
Musings & ramblings at
If you find you need more fields than are available on the SmugMug standard form you can easily add a WuFoo form to your site.
See the help page at
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Maybe this will help?
Thanks, all!