All great - but that last one is priceless!! Was it giving you the raspberry or throwing you a kiss?
Well, a little of both, actually. What started amicably enough with a volley of mutually thrown kisses quickly veered southward as a flurry of unprovoked raspberries were suddenly hurled at me.
Now, I might have expected this behavior from a California Sea Lion, but a Harbor Seal? Really?! I guess the sobering lesson here is can you ever really know a Harbor Seal?
Thanks for the explanation of the turn of affection from the Harbor Seal. This wasn't a Morro Bay Harbor Seal was it? It would explain the raspberry if it was!
Wonderful set--expressive and technically spot on.
I'm a little curious about the lighting. Did you apply vignettes in post? Flash?
Hi Richard,
Thanks. No vignette was applied in post and there was no use of the flash. The "look" I desire in my photos is primarily the result of liberal doses of negative exposure compensation and side-lighting of the subject. As long as there's plenty of sunlight striking the subject from an extreme angle I can "darken" the image with negative exposure compensation adjustments and anything else I can do to further decrease the light surrounding the subject. Using fast shutter speeds or high aperture values, for example.
Here's a good example of what I mean: I wanted this image of the sea lion to appear dreamlike as it made its way into the light toward the upper left portion of the frame. You can see that the angle of the sunlight provided just enough light on the subject's chin and neck, which allowed me to make the necessary adjustments to the camera settings and create the "mood" I desired. For more examples of this please see my "Strictly For The Birds" thread in this Wildlife section.
Book 2:
Now, I might have expected this behavior from a California Sea Lion, but a Harbor Seal? Really?! I guess the sobering lesson here is can you ever really know a Harbor Seal?
By the way, you have a stunning website!
and thanks for the kind words about my site!
Love the last set of shots as well.
Book 2:
I'm a little curious about the lighting. Did you apply vignettes in post? Flash?
Thanks. No vignette was applied in post and there was no use of the flash. The "look" I desire in my photos is primarily the result of liberal doses of negative exposure compensation and side-lighting of the subject. As long as there's plenty of sunlight striking the subject from an extreme angle I can "darken" the image with negative exposure compensation adjustments and anything else I can do to further decrease the light surrounding the subject. Using fast shutter speeds or high aperture values, for example.
Here's a good example of what I mean: I wanted this image of the sea lion to appear dreamlike as it made its way into the light toward the upper left portion of the frame. You can see that the angle of the sunlight provided just enough light on the subject's chin and neck, which allowed me to make the necessary adjustments to the camera settings and create the "mood" I desired. For more examples of this please see my "Strictly For The Birds" thread in this Wildlife section.
Best regards,
I hope you enjoy this one!
I love this one Tony, very peaceful and a perfect portrait.
Musings & ramblings at
Awesome as usual Tony!
Thanks so very much!
Thanks for looking and commenting!
A few more of my favorite black and white conversions. I so enjoy working with side-lighting.

Continuing excellence!
I greatly admire your photographs so your comment is especially meaningful to me. Thanks.
Awesome images. I really like your 'dream like' effects.
Awesome!!!! Too much cuteness! I really enjoy the b/w conversions. Such expression! These are priceless!