SmugMug for Android App - How to save ORIGINAL- sized photo from my own gallery to my phone?

As stated in title-- I currently cannot find a way to save an original-sized photo from one of my SmugMug galleries to my smartphone. My gallery settings allow this. I've done it in the past. Today, I go to the app on my phone, go to the photo I want, click the 2 dots at top of photo & choose "Save to Device" (which is the only way I can find to save a photo anyway). When it arrives on my phone, I click on "details", & the file is only about half the size it is on my Smug site. And it's evidently extremely lower quality as it goes from 5 MB to 500 kb, which is much lower. I tried something that says "save for offline viewing" or something, but that didn't seem to actually download it to my phone. Idk what that does. It's so frustrating that I used to know how to do this. There's plenty of space on my phone, so that's not the issue. The gallery in question is set to "Unlisted", so people need the link to find it. But as the owner I can always download from it to my computer at full resolution & I just tried that with the photo in question. It just isn't working on the phone app.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
"Save for Offline" will save the photo internally to the SmugMug app so that if you are without an internet connection, you can still open the SmugMug app and view the photo. It won't be available within your photos app but it will be always available within the SmugMug app.
Can you confirm what the Max Display Size is for the gallery? Is it set to Original? We try to always honor that setting.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Yes, as I said my max display size is Original in the gallery. I'm not wanting to simply view the photo. I want the photo actually downloaded to my phone because I'm trying to use it in a collage app (called PhotoGrid) . So I don't want to just view it. I'm in WiFi. I just want to save the photo to my phone at original size, not some lower quality. I'm looking at some on my phone that I thought I'd downloaded this way in the past. They ended up in a folder in my gallery that says "Saved from SmugMug"., & they're definitely original-sized. Is this simply not possible in the app? Do I have to go to the desktop version? If so, I don't understand why....
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Would you mind sharing the Gallery so I can dig in?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I have confirmed with our testing and engineering teams that "Save to Device" should deliver the Original images, if Max Display Size is set to Originals. A link to the gallery would help us dig in further.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Ok, it's an unlisted gallery so I wasn't excited to share it. But I haven't been able to get back here for a bit, & in the meantime something changed & now I can download original files with seemingly no problem. It was this gallery: (dieregard the title of it as it was serving as a temp gallery & not for mobile photos at the moment) .However, why I'm posting back is this: I realized after our dialogue that really the gallery settings shouldn't matter for myself, the owner, right? I mean, I should be able to download my original files from any gallery, no matter the display settings. I tried downloading (again, thru the "save to device" option in the SmugMug app) an original from the following gallery & it too worked fine. (And this gallery is set to public but only size X3 is enabled for display, & the "download" button is hidden. It also has RCP turned on.) So my initial problem is somehow solved, but I wanted to post back to find out if it **should **matter to the app what display size is enabled, if I'm the owner. I mean, on my desktop that certainly doesn't matter as long as I'm logged in.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Bump.... Never heard a response to my question in my latest post... look back there, but essentially it was: As the site owner, I should think I'd be able to download my own Originals from any gallery and whether through the SmugMug app or desktop, no matter what the actual display settings are.. Correct? So I was wondering why that was even a question.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Sorry, I must have missed the question. It works as you suggested: as the site owner, you get the originals.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: