Header Photo
Do you know how to customize smugmug to have a header photo like this? (Flothemes)
Do you know how to customize smugmug to have a header photo like this? (Flothemes)
I'm not sure what you mean by header photo.
If you are looking for the ability to place a background photo or slideshow on your homepage, see the help page Change my site's background.
If you are looking for a slideshow at the top of the page with more content below the slideshow, have you tried placing a slideshow content element at the top of the page? I'm not sure you can get the side-to-side coverage but it's probably worth a try.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I emailed Smugmug Heroes and they showed me this:
That's what I want - but I would also love to have the menu and logo on the header photo. His code may need rewritten.