Couple of smugmug questions
First question: is there a way for a client to view a private gallery that I send them a link to without having them create a username password? I find it troublesome that a client has to create a username and password or sign in via facebook to view a gallery that I send them a link to. If I send them the link via email they should be able to view it by clicking on it and not having to go through extra steps....
Second question: is there a smugmug print lab that offers metal prints? I know each print lab has different options for print types
3rd question: what's the best image type that I can upload to my website if a client buys a picture after I edit via Lightroom/photoshop?
If you make the gallery unlisted your viewer will need the full URL but there is no username and password.
A username and password is needed if you use the method documented on the help page Share photos privately with only people I choose.
I know that bayphoto offers metal prints. I'm not sure about the other labs.
You can see the offerings of each of the print labs on this page - Click the lab name to see the products from each.
I don't really understand your question. If you want your client to get an updated photo then you need to replace the photo on your smugmug site with the edited photo. From the help page Accepted file types for uploading:
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Thanks I didn't realize on jpegs could be ordered, I wasn't sure if it would be better to upload a jpeg or a tiff for ordering prints
As long as you've uploaded high resolution JPG's, we will send that to the lab and there will be no noticeable difference between the TIFF and the JPG. I always recommend uploading high resolution images so they'll look great when printed, and using the watermark, Max Display Size, and Right Click Message to help keep your photos safe.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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