Turn off MY logo?

Hi! I'm one of those really mediocre coders that needs to look up things each time... But I'm trying to hack my normal SM site and have one page for another business I have and would LOVE to just turn off the logo! Can you help me out? what would the CSS code look like? Could I replace my normal logo with a different one easily?
Even just the container name would be most helpful!
Thank you SO much!
Maybe this would work for you? - no CSS
hi - you can also add this CSS to the specific page, gallery or folder you wish to not display the logo :
.sm-page-widget-15301158 {display : none;}
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Ace, thank you! I tried to do that, but it won't let you do it for the logo. Bummer!
Jerry! I'll try it out! Thank you so much!!
Jerry! It worked like a CHARM! I just made a new style that applied to that page only and then added that into the custom CSS for that style. You rock!
Oh! Jerry, how do you turn off the menu and the social links, too? (I just made that a dark band at the top to hide it, but would LOVE to just turn it off completely.) for reference: http://www.tippiepics.com/customize/Exposing-the-Light/Testing
Thanks in advance!
hi - can you re-post the link - it did not work - thanks - jerrry
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