Question for Nicholas Sherlock

On returning to SmugMug after an absence of several months, I find that your excellent SmugMug extension for Chrome seems to have lost its advanced bulk editor for image titles etc.. What am I missing? The SmugMug editor (via wrench tool) I find useless.
Help!!! Many thanks, James
I just used the Chrome extension last night, worked great. The only thing missing is the bulk keyword cropping.
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Thank you Allen.
I now find that the Chrome extension has disappeared completely! I have attempted to reinstall it via Nicholas's site, but to no avail. I wonder if he has deactivated the installation link. Most worrying, I have relied on his excellent extension since he first launched it a few years ago.
Is it installable from the Chrome web store?
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Denise, as ever, you are wonderfully helpful - thank you.
Yes, I have managed to install the extension via the link which you kindly gave.
Sadly, the bulk editing tool (which Nicholas provided as part of the extension) is no longer available. He must have a good reason for withdrawing this superb element.
Which " bulk editing tool "? He did remove the bulk edit thumbnail tool. That's the only one I see missing.
Smug had borked their editing of thumbnails and it messed up the one in the extension. I believe it would now work now that Smug fixed theirs but he has not revisited it.
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Allen, this screenshot shows the tool to which I am referring:
Curiously, I have now managed to get Bulk-edit photo details to work again. I have no idea why this has happened!

Large sigh of relief!