Batch Uploading Folders from Lightroom
I had a shoot today and now have 45 folders, each a head shot of a different person. The files are currently a DNG.
What is the easiest way to upload those 45 folders from LR onto my Smug Mug Gallery page?
Do I need to convert them to jpegs, then upload the folders and have it not recognize the file type (DNG)? Is there an easier way?
I will have 4 other days that are similar to this in the next 2 months and don't want to have to create 180 new galleries individually if I do not have to. Thanks for the help
I can only comment about the file type (I don't have LR). You can only upload .jpg and .png to SmugMug.
Images in the Backcountry
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I understand this.
With Lightroom you can export the DNG as a different file type. I was considering exporting the DNG's to JPEG and then trying to batch load the folders into Smug Mug. Yes I would receive an unrecognized file warning at the end of it for all of the DNG's, but that is not that bad of a thing , especially if it saves me from making hundreds of new galleries by hand.
I was asking here to see if there was a better way to do that.
Your best bet would be to export from Lightroom as JPG's. Our Organizer allows you to upload folders and we'll automatically create galleries based on your folder structure. All you have to do is launch the uploader from a Folder and it will let you do a Folder upload, recreating the structure as galleries.
When you export, Lightroom will let you specify where you want them exported. If you create a parent folder called "JPEG's" or something, then when you export you can tell Lightroom to keep the folder structure but place it in that JPEG's folder. Then you end up with a folder of JPG's you can just add to the Organizer and have the galleries all set to your liking!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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So I export as Jpeg, but place them in a sub folder of each gallery as a jpeg. Then do a folder upload with the 45 folders, and smug mugs software will create the folders as galleries, but not make a seperate folder for the now 45 jpeg folders?
Sorry, as you might be able to tell I am confused.
I went ahead and exported the Jpegs to the original folder. Then dragged all of the folders over to the batch uploader for Smug Mug and that worked. I did get a notice for the unrecognized file types, but it was still easier then doing them one by one.
If there is an easier way, I'm all ears, but this way did work pretty well.
That works.
I was thinking of the following, in the export settings, set
Export Location
as follows:1. "Export To": a specific folder (ex: "JPEGs")
2. Check "Put in Subfolder": give it a name
I assumed #2 had an option for "Put in a Subfolder" that was something like "Same Folder as Original Photo". For example, if I had my photos in a folder called "4th of July", then exporting would put it in "JPEG's/4th of July/" automatically. Unfortunately it doesn't look like this is an option.
One thing you could do is choose "Export To" and set it to "Choose folder later". Then when you export, it'll pop up asking for where, and you go inside "JPEG's" and create the folder (ex "4th of July)" and export there. Then you just upload JPEG's and you're all set.
What you did works too though.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I use the LR/TreeExporter plugin that allows you to export images while preserving your folder tree.
Take a look at