Rearranging GALLERIES on homepage

I know this question has been asked a zillion times. However, using the forum search field, I come up with only 5 posts regarding the topic. So, either Safari isn't working very well with Smug's search, the search function isn't working correctly, or I'm just not very savvy searcher.
Here's the question. I am trying to arrange my homepage site so the newest galleries appear first. Each time I add a new gallery, it appears at the bottom of the list on the homepage where my clients go to view their photos. I want it to appear on top. I have tried deleting the galleries on the customization and design and reloading them. However, the galleries are posted randomly and not in any order. I've also arranged the galleries on the left of the layout in the Organize tab. I have tried everything I can think of but to no avail. For what it's worth, I'm using the Zoe template.
Any ideas?
Your homepage has a carousel content block, but is not showing a gallery content block. Is this perhaps the page on your site you're referring to? (this is the link in your menu titled Galleries)
If that's not it, please include a direct link to the page on your site so I can take a look.