Best way to Blog with current Smug Mug platform
Is it better to host my blog off site, and link back to my smug mug page or is it better to make my as individual web pages on my SM site?
Is there a third option?
Is it better to host my blog off site, and link back to my smug mug page or is it better to make my as individual web pages on my SM site?
Is there a third option?
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here.
How often do you plan to blog? Will your blog posts be a mix of text and photos?
You might be interested in my response to a similar question in the thread Function like a real blog.
I have a blog outside of my smug site. I have matched the header / menu between the two, and all photos in my blog come from my smugmug site. They are presented in the blog so that a click on the photo takes the viewer to lightbox for that photo on my smug site. For me, using blogging software works well.
Musings & ramblings at
SmugMug does an excellent job showcasing my photos. SmugMug doesn't do a good job making a blog. There are better tools for that. IMO using Blogger like Denise does or use WordPress.
I use WordPress for my website. I created a sub-domain for my SmugMug. I matched my SM site to my WP site. The photos on my blog are uploaded to my WP site because WP handles images withing WP better than embedding images from SM....if that make sense.
Images in the Backcountry
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