Mobile formatting

This folder page is set to stretchy with 10px R/L margin.
Both the html widget and Folder widget are set to 100% width with 0 L/R margins.
But the html box is wonkie on mobile. Margins don't seem to work.
Background does not cover entire box either.
Another issue. I had to use this CSS to reduce huge space and position the MENU vertically under the banner. It kinda worked but didn't seem right.
/* remove space under banner except homepage */
@media only screen and (max-width: 460px) {
.sm-page-parentnode-zsB4B .sm-page-widget-12536016 {
margin-bottom: -60px !important;
height: 50px !important;
Hey Allen,
Try changing the 460 to 640 since 460 is smaller than the screen resolution of most phones.
@media only screen and (max-width: 460px) {
SmugMug Support Hero
Notice no difference.
My Website index | My Blog
Figured out the year page above getting the border and background to behave.

My Website index | My Blog
Notice the blank widget complete with border and background above to gallery box?

That is an empty folder widget. The problem is it shows on mobile.
I think the default created folder page has these boxes on it whether used or not.
I have most of my folders as "Just this folder" so I can delete it if not used.
I don't think it should be taking space on mobile and should be fixed.
Edit: I just opened a folder page that's still "all folders" and only has the galleries box used.
The empty folder widget shows on mobile. I can not remove that empty widget as it would
apply to the whole site for all folders.
My Website index | My Blog