Emphasize selected page in Journal style
The Journal style automatically split up an album into pages with 48 photos in each. Even though it varies a bit with different fonts, it is often very difficult to see which page is selected. I guess there are many ways to emphasize the current page number in the navigation bar, for example with a colored background. Do you have any examples?
I just did a little experimenting using your site. This CSS will emphasize the current page number by making it bold plus setting the font-size to be larger than the other numbers.
Unfortunately I don't know if this CSS will effect other things on the site as I only tested it in isolation on this page on your site - http://www.viknefoto.no/Bilder/.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks for the code. It also affects my site's user interface when customizing, but that's not a big problem. How can I get a colored background behind the current page number? I am not very skilled in CSS, but I may be able to experiment a little with different colors if I had a code.
This will show a black circle with a white number on the current page. Remove the
border-radius: 50%;
if you don't want that.Images in the Backcountry
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Thanks a lot! This may be exactly what I've been looking for!