Pinning text and Social Icons pin to bottom of homepage..... how??

Not been here for a while! Have just got back into refreshing my site and am struggling with one thing on my homepage. I have a text block and a social icon on the homepage that I want to pin to the foot of the page just above the "powered by smugmug" link.... but I can't see how to do that without adding a fixed height separator block above them ... which of course may not place the text in the right place on other peoples browsers...
Can anyone help?
Hi Al,
I don't think there's a built-in setting to achieve this, but I'm guessing one of the customization helpers might be able to provide you with CSS code to achieve this.
SmugMug Support Hero
Put your Social Media stuff and your other text block into the Footer section.
Pin the footer.
Add this to your theme's CSS:
That should pin your social/text to the bottom ONLY on your home page. It will hide the rest of your pages/galleries etc.
Images in the Backcountry
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Many thanks Mike, I'll give it a go now - that's exactly what I am looking for