Display gallery name permanently not just hover over
Hi all, is there a way to make gallery names display constantly rather than only when hovering over them ? for some reason when viewing on a mobile device the name is constant but when i view from my desk top the gallery name only appears when i hover the mouse over it..
Thanks Harry
You can set the how the name shows when customizing your folders or galleries.
On a page that shows folders and galleries:
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks Denise
actually its the gallery name as in the picture {Holkham 31-8-17), they only show when the mouse hovers over them. I wondered if theres a way to display the gallery name all the time
How did you place the galleries on that page? If while you are on the page you select Customize... Content and design..., select All Galleries, then hover over the content block containing the galleries, does a wrench icon appear to allow you to change the display?
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com