Instagram share button

If I remember correctly, there used to be an Instagram share button under the share menu. All the others are still there. What happened?
If I remember correctly, there used to be an Instagram share button under the share menu. All the others are still there. What happened?
On the Desktop version of SmugMug the Instagram share option has never been a part of the UI. That said, the SmugMug app does have the ability to share to Instagram. In the mobile app, choose an image, use the "share" icon in the app and search for the option to share to Instagram.
SmugMug Support Hero
To add onto Jen, Instagram also changed their policies and no longer allowed 3rd party applications like us to share to Instagram. They now require you to use the actual Instagram app to add photos to Instagram.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Do you mean we can no longer actually share photos the way Jenuine described, through the SmugMug app?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
In reading these responses, do I understand if we want to post a photo to Instagram that is in Smug, we first have to download it to our computer, resize it and then upload to the Instagram app?
Probably not, that seems like the long way around. It looks like all you'd have to do is open the Smugmug mobile app on your phone or tablet, find your photo, and from there share the photo like you would from most mobile photo apps: Tap the share icon, then tap the Instagram icon to send the image directly to the Instagram app for final prep and posting. Your desktop computer probably doesn't need to be involved at all.
If I'm reading the thread correctly, the restriction being discussed above is referring to the desktop version of the Smugmug app, not the mobile version.
The phone Instagram worked, but not the iPad one. I will check that out also to see why it would work on the iPhone but not the iPad. Thank you for clearing this up for me.
The method that Jen described for the SmugMug iOS app does work, since it's sharing the photo directly to the Instagram app, and it's really the Instagram app that makes the post. I should have clarified that my comment about Instagrams Terms of Service apply to having us post to Instagram from the SmugMug website.
There is not an Instagram app for the iPad, which is why it doesn't work for the iPad (again, it's just sharing the photo to the Instagram app, and then letting it post). You can force your iPad to download the iPhone version of the app, and post through the iPad that way.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thank you all for this information. Very helpful!