Internet Explorer issue
In my homepage, only on IE does the my tagline "Telling travel stories through pictures" not wrap and go into the next line. I tried it on Chrome, Edge, Firefox (desktop and mobile) and it is fine. Can anyone help identify the issue?
Hehe, I know you're looking for a solution, but I can't resist....
Is it really important to you to know why IE is displaying different behaviour? I mean....who even uses Internet Explorer anymore?
Tested your site on Safari, Firefox and Chrome (OSX) and the text wraps.
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I was going to say the same! I ditched IE years ago.
Images in the Backcountry
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When I look using IE10, I get two lines. Still, there is an oddity: on Firefox 57 (Quantum) the text is left justified; on IE10 it's centered. There looks to be some user CSS that Firefox is picking up that IE isn't. All this is under Win 7. I'd suggest you write the help desk on this. Something odd is going on.
As for IE, maybe it should die, but it hasn't. lists various sources that associate anywhere from 3% to 15% of desktop traffic from IE. If you want the world to see your site, you (and SmugMug) have to take IE into consideration.