Light Room Mobile syncs ALL photos on my IPHONE

Does anyone know how I can keep the LR mobile app from incorporating all the photos from appearing in the app.....Actually , the images are coming from PHOTOS from from my imac.....
Does anyone know how I can keep the LR mobile app from incorporating all the photos from appearing in the app.....Actually , the images are coming from PHOTOS from from my imac.....
Have you asked Adobe this question?...
I have not used LR mobile simply because I frequently don't have good cellular connections that would permit overlarge files to pass quickly, if at all, and I eschew unknown wifi when I am out and about.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Back out to the top level, tap on the big LR in the top left corner. This should take you to Settings (preferences).
Tap "General"
The first option is "Auto Add Photos". Turn that off. Does that stop all your photos in Apple Photos from showing up in Lightroom Mobile? You probably want to turn off "Auto Add Videos too. With those two options off, LR Mobile will only import photos from Camera Roll or external cable when you tell it to.
If the images are coming from Photos on your iMac, you are probably using the Apple Photos ecosystem to auto-sync through Apple's cloud among all your devices. LR Mobile tries to do the same thing so you probably have two redundant sync-all-devices services running.
My decision has been to keep Apple Photos syncing disabled because I don't need my Mac's photos showing up on my iPhone and iPad, but I do use LR Mobile syncing.
That does not have to be a concern or an obstacle to usefulness. Go into the same app settings, tap Cloud Storage and Sync, and shut off "Use Cellular Data". Under this configuration, I can use the camera in the Lightroom Mobile app to shoot with my phone in DNG raw mode all day long without impacting my data plan one bit (pun intended), and then when I get home, my phone sees my home wifi and only then does it upload. (I do not allow my phone to auto-connect to wifi except in my home or studio.)
Once the raw files from my phone camera are uploaded from the LR app to the LR cloud via my home wifi, they automatically download into Lightroom on my desktop computer. And any/all raw level edits performed on those images in LR Mobile transfer to LR Desktop for more detailed edits on a calibrated monitor. Works great.
Bonus tip: By going into "Lightroom CC" preferences in my desktop copy of Lightroom, I can set the download location of all LR Mobile raw images to be the same as the download location I have set in the Import dialog of desktop Lightroom, so that they merge into my main photo storage.
Thanks for the heads up, colourbox. You have answered several concerns of mine re cellular usage.
I may have to give LR Mobile a try after all.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin