New LR Classic CC Smugmug Plugin Modified to Republish Issue

I've been using LR and SM plugin daily for several years, very comfortable with my workflow and rarely have issues that I can't find the solution for in the forums or through searches.
Recently (Oct/Nov 2017), whenever I browse galleries in LR that are in my Smugmug collections (library grid viewing mode), images instantly begin to pop from the 'published' section to 'modified photos to re-publish'. They do this slowly, without any changes being made by me. No changes to the image are showing up in the develop module history section either.
Nothing is being changed in those photos, they don't start to move to the modified section until I am looking at them in the library grid. I thought this might be related to the ACR / Camera Calibration being updated from version 3 2012 to version 4 current, but the photos that are being marked as 'modified' still show version 3 2012 as their calibration.
Any idea what is causing this, how I can stop it? As you can imagine it's throwing quite a wrench into my workflow.
Lightroom Classic CC 7.0 Camera Raw 10.0
Smugmug Lightroom Plug-in
Mac Pro (late 2013)
3.7ghz 24GB ram
OS X El Capitan
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I use the Jeffrey Friedl LR plugin for SM and have had no problems since the LR upgrade.
Please send this to the Support Heroes at and we will have our Lightroom experts look into this further for you.
In the meantime, you can always go to the photos in Lightroom that are to be republished > right click on the photo > from the drop down menu click on "Mark as Up-To-Date".
SmugMug Hero