Bug with Folders in Organizer using Safari High Sierra

Using an iMac with Safari and High Sierra, I ran into problems when I created a new folder and tried to move galleries into it. It wouldn't move the galleries, Created another new folder and it did the same thing, when I went to remove these new folders it wouldn't remove them and gave me an error message. Everything worked fine when using Chrome. Not sure if this is related but earlier I tried to Bulk change keywords in folders and it wouldn't let me do it. I ended up doing it one folder at a time.
Hey Ron,
Could you please make sure that THIRD PARTY COOKIES is enabled in your SAFARI web browser? Here is how to do this: http://feedjit.com/static/howToEnableThirdPartyCookies.html
Restart your browser and then try again.
Cookies were ok, getting this error message when using Bulk Gallery settings to add Meta Keywords....
• [item 1]: too short Message changes depending on how many keywords I try to add, I've tried separating by comma and semi colon and still get this error.
My Gallery: Digital Images by Ron Skinner
Just tried adding bulk keywords using Chrome same problem
• [item 8]: too short
Doesn't seem like bulk keywords for multiple galleries or folders is working
My Gallery: Digital Images by Ron Skinner