Hobbyist/personal blog customization?
Hi! I'd love to see some examples from those of you who've customized your SmugMug site to use as a personal blog, bonus points for a clean, minimalist design. Thanks!
Have you seen this tutorial on using smug for a blog - How to Make a Photo Blog?
My photos are on SmugMug and my blog is on Blogger. I find SmugMug to be excellent for presenting photos but I prefer to use a blogging platform for my writing. If I blogged only once in a while maybe I would have chosen to have my blog on smug but with my habit of frequent blogging I'm happier with blogger. Links to my site are in my signature below if you're interested in seeing my blog and galleries.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Heya, I too blog quite infrequently, but I use my smugmug site to host all my articles. It's a bit of a pain having to go and and setup my template everytime I want to create a new post but hey at least it works and keeps everything contained on one domain. Helps a lot for SEO and boosting the sites ranking. Link is in my description below if you wanna check it out.
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