Gallery thumbnails not rounding as required

I have been using Nicholas Sherlock's excellent CSS to round the corners of my various images. All his code works very well except for the thumbnails in SmugMug style galleries. His relevant code is:
/* Round thumbnails for folders, pages and galleries*/ .sm-page-widget-folders .sm-tile, .sm-page-widget-galleries .sm-tile, .sm-page-widget-nodes .sm-tile, .sm-page-widget-pages .sm-tile { border-radius: 8px; overflow: hidden; -webkit-mask-image: url(); }
An example of the sharp cornered display of thumbnails is here:
Can anyone shed some light on this problem for me? Many thanks.
Nicholas Sherlock's customisations are back on line after disappearing for a while. I think you can find what you need at . He's updated the code from what you posted.
Jim, I think that you will find that my quoted code is identical to the first code snippet on Nicholas's site to which you refer. (I was aware that he had updated his code recently.)
Any other thoughts?
I believe you want Nick's second snippet, "Thumbnails inside a SmugMug-style gallery." The first snippet deals with navigation blocks.
Jim, you have cracked it; thank you so much.
I had added all of Nick's snippets to my CSS when he first posted them a few years ago. On revising them recently, I overlooked the "Thumbnails inside a SmugMug-style gallery." With so many lines of code, it is all too easy to miss a needle in the hay-stack. Thank you for your eagle-eyed help.