Website changes are happening in real time?
I'm not sure if there is a setting that has changed or what I can do to fix this. In the past if I made a change to my site I could preview it to make sure it was how I wanted it to look. I could then Publish the change to make it live. Now if I add a new photo, gallery or folder it is live on my site instantly. I no longer can edit and tweak whatever I am doing before publishing it and making it live. Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how can I go back to finishing my edits/changes BEFORE they show up on my site? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I'm not sure if there is a setting that has changed or what I can do to fix this. In the past if I made a change to my site I could preview it to make sure it was how I wanted it to look. I could then Publish the change to make it live. Now if I add a new photo, gallery or folder it is live on my site instantly. I no longer can edit and tweak whatever I am doing before publishing it and making it live. Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how can I go back to finishing my edits/changes BEFORE they show up on my site? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I might be wrong, but I think that's the way it always has worked. The preview applies to customizations of layout and style but not to pics you add to existing galleries. To make your site behave exactly the way you want, you would need to create a parallel set of staging galleries with no public access, do your additions there, then once you get them to your liking, make them public to replace the existing ones. This would be a royal PITA, I suspect, as you would then have to make copies of the new public galleries to act as your new staging area. I generally add stuff to private galleries first, then collect them into public galleries for display. There is still a short time in which things aren't quite right in public, but my site is low volume so it doesn't much matter. YMMV.
You're probably remembering stuff you did in the customization section, not in the Organizer. Other than the elaborate method I described earlier, I don't think there's anything you can do about adding new pics to a public gallery. But when you are creating new galleries or folders, you can set their visibility to private when you first create them, populate them with content and only when you are happy with the result, make their visibility public. That should take care of at least a part of the problem you described.