Can I point a domain name at a subfolder on smugmug?

I already have a custom domain name "" that points to my homepage ""
Is it possible to have another custom domain name "InstinctCBS" point to "" ?
No. You can only have a single domain for your smugmug site, and it must point to your home page.
It is possible to forward a second domain to your primary domain. Be aware if you do this that the domain shown once the viewer is on your site will be your primary smugmug domain.
See help page Using multiple domains.
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Thank you very much!
Maybe I broke something, or maybe I'm doing something illegal, but my homepage comes up under Meanwhile, another domain I own,, brings up inside my main site. I think all I did was set up the domain to forward to a specific SmugMug page in GoDaddy....
The Railroad Photographer
The only thing your broke is the link in your signature called
. If you hover the link it
, which doesn't exist.As for "illegal", all you've done is point a non-Smugmug site to an existing SmugMug folder. Nothing wrong there. Your domain is just sitting there collecting dust. The only "illegal" thing would be to point a domain that has nothing to do with content. As an example, if you own a domain that was obviously railroad related and point it to a sex domain. Big problem there.
Images in the Backcountry
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Hmmmm.... I haven't used that "shop" address in ages. Thanks for the heads-up!
The Railroad Photographer