Setting pricelists on multiply selected galleries.
Is there a way to do this. I'm having to set pricelists on a whole bunch of galleries and the only way I've found is to browse to the gallery and use the cart->Pricelists menu.
Also, in a similar vein, is there a way to get an overview of all galleries showing what pricelist is attached to what gallery? When I'm checking my galleries and pricelists it's quite tedious digging down into one gallery at a time to find out what's going on.
You can get to pricelists via Account Settings.
You can see the galleries assigned the pricelist from the same place.
See the section "Apply Your Pricing to Galleries and Photos" on the help page Set up photo pricing for sales.
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks, but I'm not seeing an 'Edit List' link:
Do you have a business-level account? That's the only account level where you can have more than one active price list.
With a portfolio-level accounts a single price list is used for all galleries.
From the help page I linked above:
Musings & ramblings at
I'm on a business account but it looks like I'm the trial - Business (comp'd)? I assume that's why. Although the next renewal date seems a bit odd - 2042-11-30.
I'm trying to subscribe to a plan but I don't see a subscribe button at the top of my page. Only a 'gift smugmug' button
Also, I can apply any pricelist I like to any gallery, it does let me do that but only on individual galleries in the -> Pricelists menu option.
You might want to contact SmugMug support directly
Scroll to the bottom and click the contact button.
Musings & ramblings at
OK. Thanks for your time.