If you like Andy's pictures, you'll hate mine

This is a shot of Will lighting a cigarette. Just so you know, I smoke too but have a bit better taste in cigarettes. I like Gauloises, Import A, and Du Maurier. Okay, I'm a cig snob, LOL!

As usual, you can order prints from my web site. And yes, one of the prints for sale is of a smoker (who saw Farenheit 9/11 twice). I guess compared to Andy, I live on the wild side (but I don't think that's saying much). Basically, if you don't want to look at a bunch of wholesome photographs that have been approved by the Bush administration, check out my site and consider ordering a print. Thanks!

As usual, you can order prints from my web site. And yes, one of the prints for sale is of a smoker (who saw Farenheit 9/11 twice). I guess compared to Andy, I live on the wild side (but I don't think that's saying much). Basically, if you don't want to look at a bunch of wholesome photographs that have been approved by the Bush administration, check out my site and consider ordering a print. Thanks!
Okay, I shouldn't have personally attacked Andy. Really, my work stands for itself and I don't need to be in the business of putting people down. In fact, Andy has been helpful to me on this message board. So, Andy, I'm sorry! It is true, his work is very wholesome and mine goes right into the heart of the matter. And he makes it very clear he has a Canon 10D. Very clear. But all this aside, he is a handsome man, his photographs are technically sound, and from what I know, he actually sells prints from his site (unlike me but I'm trying,
Maybe trying a little too hard?
I don't want to sound rude, but I'm a guy who doesn't beat around the bush. I like your photos, your style is your own. Not many people can say that. I would like to see you help more in this forum, and pimp your own sales less. There are very helpful people here who put together tutorials for different shooting styles, digital workflow and equipment reviews.
You may like to bash Andy a little, including his Canon DSLR. One thing you have overlooked is the 4 Kodak Picture of the days using a SONY F828. He states what camera was used because it can be VERY hard to tell them apart. Good info if your in the market to buy a new camera.
I know Andy can defend himself, but this rubbed me the wrong way.
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
I won't comment on your pictures, you obviously like them a lot and that's what its all about. If you want to sell some, I suggest you cut out all the pretentious commentry and misinformed attacks. Then MAYBE(?) you'll stop winding people up long enough to consider your photographs.
Well said Gubbs, I agree!
And Berhamwich; think before you speak..You say you like the people here at Dgrin and that doesn't mean we all have to agree on everything, but you can't throw dirt and then just say 'sorry'.. Focus on what it's about here; photography and sharing knowledge and opinions about it.
I sure won't waste my time on messages like this anymore.
You don't know anything about me! I haven't had one sale in years, do you hear, do you hear me? All I'm trying to do is start a little business. I thought people might like to buy a print. I hate you conservative people. You are fat and ugly. I hate you all. You take pictures just like Andy. The kind Kodak would choose for the picture of the day: safe and predictable.
Well, I'm out of here. Digital Grin is not what I bargained for. I actually have a life out of this place!
This is not where I wanted this post to go. In no way do I want you to leave this forum. I just felt that you were missing the bigger picture.
Digital Grin was designed for the support of the Smumug community. It is a place where people with similar interests can come together and share their photos and experiences. It is a learning tool where people both give and receive. There is a lot of great information here, and its all free. I know my photography has improved in order of magnitude since I've become a member here.
I'm sorry, I missed the post title where you said we can all go to hell...do what you want. Good luck with your photography.
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
I'm sorry Dave, but if posting things like "you can all go to hell" is normal..maybe i don't belong here then?
i think we all would like to see you stay and contribute here at dgrin. as others have said though, pimping of your photos to other photographers isn't really what this site's about - it's about the love of photography, learning, sharing and growing as photographers. you and your style could teach us some things ...everyone has there own style, and you have yours, i have mine. oh and we do have a vendor forum, you could leave pointers to your galleries there if you like ...
forum life is difficult - there's no person to look at, no facial expressions to see, and so we try to be extra civil in our written discussions. telling 697 people to "go to hell" isn't really the way to endear yourself to folks, or to make them want to refer other folks (non-dgrinners) to your website (it's happened to me, and i've made sales becuase of that). i try to be courteous & helpful here on the forum. try to give 2x as much as you expect to get and you'll see that folks will be responsive, and the community will be much the better for it.
regarding selling: i've sold tons of my images - i do it through personal contact with people and businesses. i've gone after and gotten some large developers, real estate people, in nyc. also some hotel companies. the cool thing there is that they buy images in quanitiy, they license the images. maybe 2% of my print sales have come from direct contact by people to my website. you need to get out there, and market yourself to folks who will potentially buy your work.
your comments about the camera, that's funny,
here's a friend of mine explaining it
heheh - safe photography?
i've gotten some good feedback on these
and here's a lady some folks actually might be afraid of if they met her on the subway
have an excellent day, and please do keep contributing.
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Thanks for cleanin this up.
Ber, it's a nice group of people here. If we're too nice, sorry about that. A lot of us like it that way, and are willing to work quite hard to keep it so. Just witness the mild reaction to your head explosion. Now, if you enjoy invective and anger, might I suggest going here, but you'll need to know a bit about bikes. Lots of sturm and drang, though - maybe you'll like it?
BTW, I echo the bit about trying to sell photographs to photographers. We're probably not your target market. I get the sense you were here mostly to generate sales. If so, then I can understand your frustration, tho' not the way you chose to express it.
Good luck with your photography.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
You guys are way too nice. We need a JM!!!
For the record, close your eyes everyone else, I am probably far to the left of many people here. I play tennis weekly with people who are probably far to the right of many people here.
You are an angry person, and I really don't care to hear from you again, so keep posting if you really want to irritate my liberal little being.
g (And I love Andy's photos! most of them, hehe. I never thought to ask his politics, we are probably all over the map here, for all I know. We are all over the world.)
whatever my dw tells me they are! seriously, my little 104lb 5'-4" lovely can argue politics with the best of 'em ... so, she argues for both of us
'sides, between my photography, kids, wife, etc, i have no time for politics.
finally, ginger, and all, on a serious note, there's plenty of places for political talk on the 'net ... heck, we even have one here, it's called "wide angle"
thanks for the compliment, ginger, if you can type k-i-s-s on your (troublesome) computer, you'll have a smooch from me..
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