Adding CSS to some but not all galleries
Hi all
Is there a way to add CSS to groups of galleries in a folder without it effecting other galleries not in that folder ? For instance if i have a client folder containing 20 galleries and i wanted to add the same CSS for all the galleries in that folder at once to add say a picture number to each image, but at the same time not adding the same code to other galleries not in that folder such as my portfolio gallery which i dont want picture numbers on. Or going in at another angle, if i add CSS to all galleries, is there a way i can then remove the CSS from only the galleries i dont want it to effect ?
Many thanks
See CSS Flowdown to Sub-Folders for information on "the ability to use CSS to effect all pages within a specific folder.". This can be used "to let all sub-pages (folders, galleries, or pages) take the same CSS".
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