Looking for programming help with my Smugmug sports photography website

I do sports photography and clients come into my website to download and order prints. I cover all sports for several high schools and have a lot of folders and galleries and my clients and users are frustrated. I would like to make navigation more user friendly and make some helpful changes to the download and Buy Buttons. Am willing to pay for help. Hope this is not inappropriate for this forum. Any ideas or referrals?
Thanks so much
Thanks so much
What specifically do you want to change on the download and buy buttons? A link to your site? Since you are new, you can't post live links but you can just type in your name i.e: 'yourwebsite.com'.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Add this to your theme's custom CSS section:
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
I'm a bit surprised to see the SmugMug header on your site. I would recommend removing it; clicking on the SmugMug logo or Support will take your viewers away from your site.
To remove the header,
Drop-down menus can be created without the use of code. Take a look at the Create a Dropdown Menu section of the help page Create a navigation menu.
You might also take a look at @leftquark 's customization http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations/Navbar/Accordion-Menu-Tweaks.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
incidentally you probably will get more offers of "how to", but I do not know of any rules that prohibit asking for fee-paid programming either It is perfectly possible to fix it yourself but it does take a long time.
I shoot a lot of sports so went browsing in your site. One thing I would suggest is stop menu picks from opening new windows/tabs. There are times when that is a great solution, but I found it distracting to end up with 4-5 tabs very quickly.
I also found the "prior" and "this" season a mildly annoying aspect of moving down the menus. As an example, if I pick a school and basketball, I next get a full screen with only two choices: Boys and Girls. Then if I pick them once again a full screen with two choices: Prior and Current. It just seems too deep. At minimum just put the current/prior and boys/girls on one page. But I'm a bit surprised there is no indication of games - dates, who they were playing, something. Maybe parents just come looking for their kid. Also, at least in one I looked at, the shots appear to be in chronological order. That SOUNDS Like it makes sense, unless you are coming to look for what just happened, then you have to go to the end and work backwards.
Have you considered, instead of the boys/girls/current/prior just under (say) Nelson County High School Basketball, you put a gallery for each game, most recent first. Then someone looking for what's new can quickly see what games are there, and dating them on the gallery you can keep it as long as you like (is "prior" all you may ever want?). Boys vs Girls can be very obvious from the feature photo that heads the gallery, you do not even need to say it.
Just some food for thoughts.
But for what it's worth, for someone asking for help in formatting, I expected a mess -- what I see is a pretty good solid site. Anything can be improved, but this is not bad. Maybe some tweaks you do yourself are all you need.
Since you also shoot sports would you mind sharing your site location?
Thanks again
> Add this to your theme's custom CSS section:
> /** * Highlight Download Button ***************************************************/ .sm-user-ui .sm-button-image-download, .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-cover-download-button { color: black !important; background: yellow !important; } .sm-user-ui .sm-button.sm-button-image-download:after, .sm-user-ui .sm-button.sm-gallery-cover-download-button:after { content: 'Download'; margin-left: 5px; } .sm-user-ui .sm-button-size-large.sm-button-square.sm-gallery-cover-download-button { width: auto; } @media screen and (max-width: 736px){ .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-image-tools { text-align: center; width: 100%; } .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-image-tools, .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-tiles-container { margin-top: 50px; } } /** * Changes 'Buy Photos' to 'Buy Prints' ***************************************************/ .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-cover-buy-button .sm-button-label{ display: none; } .sm-user-ui .sm-gallery-cover-buy-button:after { content: ' Buy Prints'; }
Thank you so much. This is exactly what I have been looking for.
Did you follow the two links in my response above? Once shows how to create a dropdown menu, the other shows some CSS for an accordian-style menu.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Certainly, it's in my signature on this and the above posting.