Disable "Download All" but still allow downloads?
I shot an event where the organizer wants the images to be available to the participants for free downloads. I've enabled the Download Buttons and see each image has that capability in addition to the Download All button in the top right of the Portrait Collage gallery style. If I don't want anyone to download the entire gallery in one shot, but still allow one-at-a-time downloads, how can I achieve that?
I'm trying to avoid some unscrupulous folks from downloading the entire gallery in one easy shot, re-packaging the images and selling them.
I'm trying to avoid some unscrupulous folks from downloading the entire gallery in one easy shot, re-packaging the images and selling them.
If you allow Original display size, disable right-click protection and allow downloads in the gallery settings, the Download All button and the download icons will become visible (meaning your visitors can download the photos one by one or request a download link).
What you could do is hide the Download All button with a CSS code, if you would like to prevent visitors request download links:
/* Hide the Download All button */
.sm-gallery-download-button {
display: none !important;
I hope this helps! If you would have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let us know.
SmugMug Support Hero | My website: www.beabird.net
Thank you! Worked like a charm.
Well, sort of.... I had about seven galleries under one folder and I couldn't figure out how to apply it to all seven galleries within that folder. So I just added it to each gallery one by one.
I've never done a CSS modification. I kept trying to put it in the top of the green outline content block like it said but it was messing with breadcrumb alignment/title alignment. So I just went to the very bottom of the page content and added the CSS block and your code from above and it worked.
Again, thank you!
Happy to help
If you add the CSS code to the Entire Section, it will automatically apply to all your galleries! We explain more about the different customisation sections on the following help page:
SmugMug Support Hero | My website: www.beabird.net
Thank you.
Another quick question....
If I make the above CSS change globally, does it place that code on every folder or gallery, so if in the event I want the Download All button to show I can go in at that level or page and remove the code ON or FOR that page hierarchy? There are instances where I shoot for clients and want to offer the the ability to download them all in one shot, yet for the most part don't want that button visible for the majority of my other galleries.
Using one folder as an example: Team Red White & Blue
Add the folder parentnode class name to the CSS and and it will flow down to all galleries below.
This folder has a class name of .sm-page-node-WPSG8q. If you change the word "node" to "parentnode"
the CSS will flow down to everything in the folder including sub-folders.
/* Hide the Download All button */
.sm-page-parentnode-WPSG8q .sm-gallery-download-button {
display: none !important;
You can target any level folder. The flow down from any folder will flow through all sub-folders to their galleries.
In the page source code look at the <body classes and you'll find the page class name.
sm-page-node-WPSG8q << folder page "Team Red White & Blue"
<body class="sm-user-professional sm-page sm-page-node sm-page-node-WPSG8q
sm-page-parentnode-k7XHm sm-page-parentnode-Mm8pdM sm-page-parentnode-nQ9WBQ">
You'll also see a bunch of sm-page-parentnode-xxxxxx class names. These represent all the parent
folders up to the homepage, k7XHm. You can start the flow down from any of these levels.
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I'll have to give that a try.... And I'm not a programmer type either. :-)
Thank you!
/* Hide the Download All button */
.sm-gallery-download-button {
display: none !important;
.sm-page-parentnode-WPSG8q .sm-gallery-download-button {
display: block !important;
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I am trying to hide or disable the "download all" button and have added the CSS code as suggested above however it is not working. I have enable the download button without a password at each gallery level. Does anyone have an idea why the code isnt working for my website; www.bardstownsports.com?
Dasher, the CSS code has changed slightly. Please use this instead:
.sm-gallery-cover-download-button { display: none !important; }
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
Thank you so much. This fixed my problem. You guys are the best. I am very impressed by the quick and accurate willingness to help!!