Is it possible to see larger pictures in Organize view?

huseyinhuseyin Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins

The thumbnails are very small in "Organize" function, is it possible to modify the size so we can see larger pictures? If not, maybe a mouse-over zoom would be great? Can that be done via CSS?
Thank you.

My smugmug still under construction & organization with 17,000 images and counting... meanwhile check my Flickr


  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator

    AFAIK, SM does not offer this, though it is a frequent request. However, you can use your browser magnification instead. It's not a perfect substitute, as the sidebar will also be magnified and take up more screen space than is necessary, but it does make the images bigger.

  • huseyinhuseyin Registered Users Posts: 137 Major grins

    Thanks Richard.
    I remember there was a browser add-on that zoomed on text only without resizing pictures, I wonder if there is one that resizes pictures without resizing text.

    My smugmug still under construction & organization with 17,000 images and counting... meanwhile check my Flickr
  • leftquarkleftquark Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,785 Many Grins
    edited May 14, 2018

    I've slowly been sneaking things in so that we could allow for larger or resizable thumbnails but we haven't added the specific functionality yet. One big step was to move away from using the small thumbnail sized images and to instead use small size images downsized to the teeny thumbnail size. The small images will now support going larger.

    I very quickly hacked together doubling the size of the thumbnails, so you may be able to use some CSS to increase the size, though I didn't try to put it into my theme to see. I'm not sure if the Organizer loads a Theme's Custom CSS so this may not be possible other than browser hacking around:

    #sm-organizer .sm-organizer-tile-link {
        width: 200px!important;
        height: 200px!important;
    #sm-organizer .sm-organizer-tile-link {
        width: 200px!important;
        height: 200px!important;
    .sm-organizer-drag-placeholder, .sm-organizer-tile-image {
        height: 200px;
        width: 200px;
    dGrin Afficionado
    Former SmugMug Product Team
    aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
    My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
  • MarcQuinlivanMarcQuinlivan Registered Users Posts: 58 Big grins

    @leftquark I've tried putting this in the css but, as you suggest, the organiser view does not use the theme's custom CSS.

    Making the changes in Chrome developer view does work, so the CSS is good though.

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