Introducing Myself
Hello fellow photographers,
Just wanted to introduce myself and share a few of my photos with you so you know what I'm about. My name is Jana (Yana), I became addicted to photography around 2005 and I'm shocked that I haven't stopped since. I've definitely invested a LOT into this "hobby".
I'm loving the fact that SmugMug allows me to share photos at their best viewing quality, because that's something that matters to me personally. I'm also glad to see that it's not just a portfolio place, but also a member community! I hope it keeps growing. I spent a lot of time on flickr sharing my photography and frequenting the Nikon forums, but lately I've been feeling turned off by the image quality and lack of control over protecting, sharing and selling my photos. Now that SmugMug owns flickr, I wonder how or if anything will change. I still visit it on occasion for the discussion.
I'm a big fan of wildlife photography, though in the last couple of years I really branched out into shooting paragliding and hang gliding on a regular basis as well. Birds get most of my attention since I live near the coast and have plenty of different species to photograph in the wetlands, but whenever I have the opportunity to see big mammals like wild horses or elk, I definitely take it. Animals have no expectations and no scheduling issues, so there's no pressure, which is something I definitely look for in a hobby!
If it matters to some of you, I shoot with a Nikon D500 and D750 at this time, but have also used a D600, D610 (which I still own), D3, D800, D7000, D40X, Canon Rebel and an old 3 megapixel Toshiba. I've shot film before that and I do own a film camera, but I'm an instant gratification kind of shooter, so digital is my preferred format.
I tried to pick the photos I like most, but that's hard to do as I see none of them as "really, really good" or "the best". There's always room for improvement!
Hi Jana and welcome to Dgrin
Those look pretty damn good to me. I especially like the light in the last one. Looking forward to seeing more.
Welcome Jana, good to have you around. I'm sure you'll enjoy the forum, it has helped me a lot in my photo journey.
Indeed, welcome - interesting that you've picked these particular shots, as I had a quick look at your site and I'd have probably picked others
With waterfowl shots especially, I wonder if you've considered taking them from a much lower pov? Doing so offers a lot of potential for producing a shot that is different from almost everything else that's out there. Do a google image search on any waterfowl subject - and check out the horizon position /type of background.
@puzzledpaul - It was difficult picking the featured shots. I'd rather people go to the gallery and find what they enjoy, like you did. I completely agree with you on the point of view and it is something I recommend to other photographers all the time. The location where I shoot makes it very difficult to get such a point of view. I would literally have to lay in the sloping mud and potentially disturb the nature preserve. Many times I do try to get as low to the water as possible without squashing muscles and small crabs, but again... location. This is as low as I've been able to get to the water:
Welcome Jana, always great to welcome new photographers with lovely images to display - osprey, elegant tern ( I think ), great Blue Heron all captured in nice light. Followed by some ducks, a snowy egret, and another GBH.
We look forward to more post of yours, you have some very nice images on your smugmug site.
Welcome to dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thank you! I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here.
Super set!
Thank you very much!
Welcome! Your photos are wonderful. Thoughtful compositions with excellent color and clarity. I'm an avid bird and wildlife photographer, as well.
Wishing you the best in your photography!