Unable to add date page

I remember being able to add the menu button to the site for navigating to the date page. However now the "NAVIGATION section has only 2 things under it. The help page from 2016 says there should be 4 things. See screenshot. How do I add a "date" page where I can navigate to pics taken on a certain date
Smugmug: http://tanveer.smugmug.com
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Hi @tsk1979
you need to hover over your menu and open its configuration screen. In the second tab you can add entries to the menu (scoll down until you find the + button and then choose DATE as the page you want to add in the menu that comes up. (Sorry currently not on my page, so I am describing it from memory.)
You won't find the add for the date page in the content-box on the right.
Good luck
Lille Ulven
Yes, as @Lille Ulven mentioned, you'll want to open the "Menu" Content Block that's already on your page by clicking on it or on its wrench icon. Under the "Links" tab, you can choose "New" and then choose the Date Page
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