How to change social media preview of website?

Right now when I share a direct link to my website on facebook for example, my favicon (which is also my profile icon) appears as an enlarged preview to the website. I do not want the favicon to appear as the preview, I'd like to select a specific photo to appear as the preview instead. How do I do this? I tried searching through the help section, but didn't see anything relating to this.
If the gallery has a "Feature Image" selected, it should use the feature image. Can you send me a link to example?
If you're sharing the homepage, it may pull from the "Profile Cover Image" or "Profile Photo" (I have to double check this), and if those aren't set, would then use the Favicon.
I thought Facebook also gave you the option to upload your own preview image?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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My home page does not have a gallery in the same sense as the other pages. It's just a group of featured images:
Under my "profile" I do have a "Cover Photo" selected, but that's not the one that appears when I share the link. The profile photo shows up instead.
It never asked me what I want to do. The image pops up automatically as soon as I try to share the homepage link. If I post a link to a specific gallery, I have no problems selecting the image I want to show. Just the home page seems to pull my profile pic instead of the one I selected as the "cover" photo.
Hi Aaron, just a quick note, even with the "Feature Image" selected, almost always Facebook doesn't recognize it and randomly chooses another one from that gallery. So I've to use your other mentioned option, upload a preview image to Facebook for that gallery.
This is only for Facebook. With Google+, for example, it works always.
For me it's an easily resolvable problem, but it would be useful to fix it. This since I'd like, when other people share that gallery, that the right image is chosen.
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