Statcounter has stopped reporting hits even though I have correct code installed.

For a few days now, Statcounter has stopped recording hits to my pages. I have 2 Smugmug accounts for different uses and both have Google Analytics installed.
Has there been a change?
Can I fix it?
Has there been a change?
Can I fix it?
Due to new European regulations, we are temporarily suspending the use of third-party cookies on SmugMug which will disable functionality for some plug-ins, until further notice. This is the reason that Statcounter is not working for you at the moment.
SmugMug Support Hero
Will that affect Google Analytics as well?
I have a bunch of Statcounter hits all the way up to 2 minutes ago? 1207 page views yesterday a lone.
Is this something that only affects Europeans?
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> Due to new European regulations, we are temporarily suspending the use of third-party cookies on SmugMug which will disable functionality for some plug-ins, until further notice. This is the reason that Statcounter is not working for you at the moment.
Thank you for the explanation Heather.
Since I use my Statcounter information daily, this is most inconvenient.
It would also seem to be a disproportional reaction to the new legislation, and unecessary.
I do hope you will allow 3rd party cookies soon.
An email explanation from Smugmug beforehand might have been expedient, to save customers wasting time spending ages re-installing/checking, and re-installing code.
The new GDPR regulations are put in place to specifically prevent some of the items that 3rd party cookies and trackers like Statcounter do. Our reaction, until the legislature is further defined and understood, is a proper reaction based on our understanding.
We're working on improving the EU Cookie banner, which would re-enable Statcounter and GA. We had planned to have launched this already so that an email wouldn't have been needed, but we certainly could do better at communicating if there's impacts.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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I don't use Statcounter, but GA works as always (in Italy), after following google instructions to give the GDPR consent.
That said, I don't know if the shown data on GA are real or currently disturbed. I haven't seen any difference with before the GDPR.
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